Until I formalize thought on design for this site and my sidebar, one thing I would like to share but don’t really have an appropriate space for are interesting items I stumble upon during my daily surfing. These don’t require extra comments, but I might have some, so for now, here are a couple of links for your weekend perusing.
Monthly Archives: March 2005
A New Addition to the Family
Congrats go out to Branden and Chris, who at 3:57 PM yesterday welcomed their first child, Garrett Ruthven Williams, into this world. I didn’t win the betting pool on the delivery date (a whopping $244 smackeroos) but I still can’t hide my excitement for one of my best friends, his wife who has become a great friend and will be an even better mother, and their entire family, who have always welcomed me into the many events of their lives as a relative. May Garrett’s life be filled with happiness, enlightenment and fulfillment!
Updated: Pics
Hotel Rwanda
During the time I lived in San Francisco, one of my roomates doing his undergraduate studies read a powerfool book about the tragedy in Rwanda. This modern tribal warfare had lots of root causes, almost none based on logic, but ended up with the genocide of almost a million people. As this story continues to fill people’s hearts and minds, it’s no wonder that a documentary and a feature film came out in the last year.
Hotel Rwanda, starring Don Cheadlae, is but a small fraction of that story but one that can illuminate how strident that portion of history was for people in Rwanda. Like Schindler’s List, it is a story of how one person can truly make a difference to thousands of people. Unlike Schidler’s List, the film was in color. But the message and the inspiration is there, as well as a outsider’s insight into western civilization’s involvement with other countries. It’s a heavy, emotional movie but well worth the time and thought.